
Latest from Peace Funerals

Whether you are needing help with arranging a funeral now, or wish to make plans for your own funeral, we can tailor our services to meet your needs.

News, Peace Funerals

Casual Bearer & Driver

We are looking for someone to join our team who is able to assist with driving and bearing.


Expensive funeral directors? Which cost the most?

Shocking news about the prices charged by some funeral directors has been published in a report by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA). Read more to find out which firms have been identified as charging the most.


South Yorkshire & Golden Valley Woodland Burial Grounds

Find out about the two beautiful natural burial grounds in South Yorkshire and North Derbyshire that are run by Peace Funerals.


Music for Funerals

When you've just lost someone close to you, you may struggle to think clearly about the music for their funeral. But take your time and ideas will come to you about music that feels appropriate and personal.


Coronavirus, Barbers, and the Life of a Funeral Director

The Coronavirus pandemic has had a massive impact upon all our social and work lives. How has it affected funeral directors?

Our Funerals

What is a Railway Funeral?

If you love steam trains, or narrow gauge railways, what about having your final journey on a train.

Peace Funerals

The Peace Funerals story

The way that funerals are arranged has changed massively in the last twenty years. Read about how Peace Funerals has helped to bring about these changes.

Our Funerals

Can I be buried on my own land?

If the place where you live is so special to you that you think you would like to be buried there when you die, read on to find out if its possible.

We’re here to help

Please don’t feel you have to do this alone. Our team are on hand to provide personalised, practical help & advice no matter what your situation.

Give us a call Our team are here for you